This Old House Magazine

Each year, my favorite magazine, This Old House, does a reader submitted issue where they print reader projects, tips, etc. This issue is the July issue each year and comes out in June. A few months ago, I saw a request go out on their Facebook page asking for more reader tips so I submitted a few including this one.

A few days later I got a message on Facebook asking me to email someone at TOH with my contact information. I did that and they followed up with a request for a recent photograph. I sent that in and the replied by asking if they could send a photographer out to my house to take pictures of me showing off my tip. This all happened in a matter of days and had me totally shocked.

The next week, a professional photographer showed up at the scheduled time and set up a photo shoot in my garage. I had to dress for the July issue even though it was about 35 degrees in my garage so it was a chilly shoot (I'm surprised my lips weren't a bit blue) but definitely really fun (ok, and nerve wracking).

I spent the next couple of months eagerly awaiting my July issue of the magazine, wondering what the picture would look like. Well, the wait is over and not only is my picture on page 98 but it is also in table of contents.

This Old House Magazine - contents

This Old House Magazine - Tips 

I have to admit, I had the issue for several days before I could read it from cover to cover. I was totally weirded out by being in the magazine and couldn't seem to bring myself to read through the whole thing for some reason. I did finally and it is a great issue, as usual.

Thank you for reading,


  1. Ooooohhhh! Congratulations! How this!

  2. كل قطعة من الأثاث ملفوفة بشكل فردي لتجنب الضرر. يجب أن يتم تغليف الخسائر والزجاج والأشياء القابلة للكسر في كمية أكبر من الكرتون للحفاظ عليها ، وإبعادها عن بقية الأثاث.
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