The New Kitchen, Part 1

I'm doing some top secret work right now and can't blog about it so I've decided to repost some entries taken from our family blog about the kitchen remodel I did last summer. I'll post a blog a day for a few days to show the progression. It was an exciting project and not a day goes by that I don't smile and think to myself, "I love my kitchen."

Here's a lovely picture of the kitchen when we first bought the house:

Kitchen Before

When we first looked at our home just over a year ago I tried to make the best of an ugly situation in our kitchen. "The cabinets sure are sturdy." "They'll be easy to clean with that thick finish on them" and my favorite, "No, the hardware isn't that bad, I think it adds history."

I could only sing that tune for so long.

The first thing to go was the floor. I quickly realized that the off-white with tiny floral print linoleum was actually white and I started to really really clean it. What I also realized was that even though I spent hours on my hands and knees scrubbing every square inch of that floor, it looked like hell again just 2 days later because of the years and years of surface scratches that had built up. Anyone who has ever had a linoleum floor knows that those surface scratches attract and trap dirt and when there are enough of them, the floor instantly looks grimy after being cleaned. So, knowing it would be many years before we could fully remodel the kitchen, I headed off to Home Depot for a stack of peel-n-stick vinyl tiles to update the floor.

It went from this:


to this:

new floor

You might wonder how I picked that particular tile. Well, it was cheap but complimented our hardwoods and would hide dirt in case we didn't get to replace it before it too has tiny little surface scratches that attract grime.

What do you think I went after next? Check back tomorrow morning for the answer!

Thank you for reading

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