Tree Platform - It's Almost Finished!

Helllloooo from the trees!! Ok, I wish I could blog from a tree but that's not going to happen for awhile so I'll just stick to reviewing pictures and blogging about my days in the trees.

This weekend we got to head out both Saturday and Sunday. Mr BSR had to be back in town for a show on Saturday so it wasn't a super long day but it was enough to get a bunch done and have some fun. On Sunday, we got a late start and needed to get the kids back for bath night and reasonable bedtimes so it was actually a pretty short day but worth the drive.

I didn't take any pictures along the way today but when we were ready to head out, we tidied up all my work areas and I got to take lots of pictures before we left.

I'll start by sharing a few of Mr. BSR contemplating life.




The camo cording I strung through eye screws to fill in under the railing is nearly finished. I just have one last side to do. Here you can see one of the completed corners plus a view of the picnic table.


I added some short pieces of 2x2 pressure treated cedar under each tread to give them more stability. Mr. BSR was kind enough to cut all of those.


See how that basket hangs near the fire pit? It's not too close that it's going to get in the way but it will be pretty handy for sending fresh cooked s'mores from fire to tree. 


This little boy loves the thrill of swinging out over the little gulch. It's just a few feet down but it's a bit surprising to find yourself higher up after launching from the top of the slope.


Two of my sweet tree huggers. I asked for this picture to demonstrate how big this tree is.


Oh look, a treehouse imp.


Thank you for reading,

1 comment:

  1. Now that the cut is completed you will have an even holding wood or you will see the tree begin to fall. You may have to introduce more wedges. Tree Removal


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