Bowl of Goodness (Recipe)

Recently I made something that the family really enjoyed. We didn't have a name for it although it is a sort of a stir fry for sure. My husband dubbed it the "Bowl of Goodness" so that's what I'm calling it here. He suggested I document it and I agreed because all too often, I make an experiment that we all love then I forget how I made it. So, here it is. Sorry I didn't take a picture, next time I make it, I will add one to this post.


  • 1 cup uncooked white rice (or 2 1/2 cups cooked)
  • 2 T Olive oil
  • 1 T sesame oil
  • 1/2 red onion cut in bite-sized strips
  • 2 tsp chopped fresh garlic
  • 1 cup pineapple slices (drained if you're using canned)
  • 1 cup of fresh spinach
  • 2 T soy sauce
Optional: Gardenburger (cut in bite sized pieces)

Cook the rice using the instructions provided when you purchased it.

Heat the olive and sesame oils in a skillet. Sauté the onions and garlic until the onion is translucent. Add in the pineapple and spinach and continue to cook it all until the spinach is fully wilted, stirring frequently. Add the soy sauce and cook it all some more. I like to turn the heat up a little bit to allow the pineapple to actually brown a little bit (I love cooked fruit sugars). Once the pineapple is as cooked as you like it, add in the rice and gardenburger and stir to mix it well. Continue to cook it all together until the rice is warm (not much of an issue if you just cooked it but if you used cold, this may take a few minutes).

Serve and enjoy. Don't ask me what to do with left overs, we didn't have any. :)

Thank you for reading,

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