Destash: Making Liquid Soap

Tonight S took O out for dinner so I could get a little much needed quiet time in the house. I was on edge most of the day for no apparent reason so S offered to give me a break and I was more than happy to accept. I finished up a project that was trashing the kitchen, cleaned the kitchen then started to pick up around the house. That's when I happened upon my box of old soap making supplies that I had recently pulled out. I was about to throw away the glycerin cubes when it occurred to me that we were low on liquid hand soap so I figured I could make some of my own. I'm not going to include any sort of recipe here because I'm not positive it is going to go the distance but it was fun to try and the soap seems OK so far.

First I grabbed my biggest pot and added a bit of water, all my various colors of glycerin cubes, a squirt of green soap colorant and a little citrus soap scent. I turned the stove on high and waited.


After a few minutes, I noticed the colors were starting to blend so I stirred it a bit with a wire whisk. I whisked it until every last lump was fully dissolved then I turned off the heat and let it cool while I attempted to make fondant (that'll surely be another post in a few days hopefully).

Once it was cool enough that I didn't think it would melt the plastic, I grabbed our foam soap pump dispenser thingy that I had just cleaned out . . .


. . . and I filled it about halfway with my very liquidy liquid soap (if you don't know, the foam pumps need about 1/2 soap and 1/2 water consistency in order to work). Then I gave it a few pumps and washed my hands.


You might ask why I wanted it to be green . . . well, if you'll recall, O is almost 3 years old. I figured he might enjoy the added fun. It didn't leave my hands green though. Ok, well, it didn't leave my hands green when I washed them but there's a nasty green blotch on my finger where it attacked me when I squirted it into the pot in the beginning.

Once it had almost fully cooled in the pot, I added the rest to my empty hand soap jug and put it out in the laundry room where it will sit until its time to refill again.


Have you ever tried to make your own liquid hand soap? How did you do it? Is my little destash project doomed?

Thank you for reading,

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